the nibbling nomad Le Sainsev restaurant cheap Latin Quarter Paris France

Cheap eats at Le Sainsev restaurant – Latin Quarter, Paris

People will always tell you that Paris is super expensive and that you’ll spend a fortune on eating out. But if you head to the Latin Quarter there are loads of bars and restaurants that are all competing with each other and are actually pretty cheap! And it’s not just Latino food – we ate at Le Sainsev which was a traditional French restaurant.

We chose here as it had a big sign up outside saying two courses and a drink for E15 – figured you can’t go wrong for that! The drink included wine and we had to order our courses from the set menu. I had French onion soup, which was full of gruyere cheese and absolutely delicious, followed by a wonderfully rare duck breast dish.

My only complaint was that as it’s down the narrow streets of the Latin Quarter so it’s very sheltered and it was a particularly hot day and with no breeze we were absolutely sweltering, but we had plenty of icy water and a tasty sorbet for dessert cooled us off!
To find the Latin Quarter, it’s just over the river from the Notre Dame down the side streets – head for Rue de la Huchette on a map.

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