the nibbling nomad view frrom Notre Dame Paris

10 things to do in Paris

I’ve been to Paris twice and loved it both times. The first time we had two days and one night so spent that time haring round trying to get in as much as possible. But our second visit was three nights and we were able to take our time and see some less touristy spots, especially as we’d seen the main attractions the first time around. So here are 10 things you should try to do, with a mixture of the usual hotspots and some extra things we discovered:

  • Take a boat tour of the River Seine

There are absolutely loads of boat tours on the Seine and they’re all really popular so I’d recommend booking ahead before you go. Personally my favourite time to go is in the evening as the sun is setting as the first half is in daylight and then you get to see the city light up as it gets dark. It also means it’s totally appropriate to take yourself a bottle of vino on to drink! Sure plastic cups aren’t the classiest, but it was pretty damn wonderful sipping red wine and taking in the sights of Paris from the water! Most start from near Notre Dame so Cite is the best Metro stop.

  • Salsa dance on the banks of the Seine

Okay so I haven’t actually done this, but I have seen it from the boat tours I’ve done on the Seine. A spot at the Jardin Tino Rossi next to the river, near the Institut du Monde Arabe, is where locals head for a bit of spontaneous salsa and tango dancing when the weather is nice in the summer. It’s great to see whether you want to join in or not! Closest Metro stop:  Jussieu

  • See the Mona Lisa at the Louvre

the nibbling nomad Louvre ParisThe Louvre is a must-see for Paris, even if you’re not interested in art. The building itself is spectacular so get there to see that at least! If you are going in, prepare for crowds, especially by the Mona Lisa – you won’t get close to it unless you’re willing to fight, which I certainly wasn’t! It’s closed on Tuesdays and this caught us out so something to bear in mind. Closest Metro stop: Rivoli

  • See the Notre Dame

Another tourist hotspot, but so beautiful – you have to see it. If you want to go in make sure you get there super early as the queues are ridiculous. Also bear in mind there are two queues – one for the roof and one for inside. We assumed by queuing for the roof we’d also get to go inside, but no, you have to queue twice, so we didn’t get to go in. Being on the roof is pretty amazing though! (Main pic) But there are other places you can get a great view of Paris so I’m not sure the hour long queue was entirely worth it. Closest Metro stop: Cite

  • Chill with thousands of skulls

the nibbling nomad catacombs Paris FranceThere is a massive queue for the catacombs, but it’s totally worth it. If you’re claustrophobic you’ll hate it, but personally I found it really creepy in the most interesting and cool way possible! Although I have to admit I didn’t want to get too close to the piles of skulls… One thing to bear in mind is that it’s cold down there so you might want a cardi or something to take the chill off. Closest Metro stop: Mouton-Duvernet

  • Wander around Montmartre

the nibbling nomad Sacre Coer Basilica Paris FranceThis has got to be one of my favourite areas of Paris. It’s got the gleaming white Sacre Coeur Basilica, which has beautiful views of the city, and the Moulin Rouge, which isn’t too spectacular from the outside but the shows are apparently amazing. But in general the whole area is just a little bit edgy and quirky and it’s great fun wandering around the cobbled streets and observing the street traders and artists. Place du Tertre in particular is a busy little square, which was full of artwork and street food when we went there. There are lots of Metro stops in this area but Blanche is closest to the Moulin Rouge.

  • See Paris from the Eiffel Tower

You’ve got to see the Eiffel Tower and, like us, you’ll probably want to go up it, just to say you have 🙂 but be prepared for the queues and get there early. Personally, although we did go up and loved it, I actually prefer the views from the Sacre Coer Basilica as you don’t have to look through a safety mesh to see Paris! It’s obviously not as high as the Eiffel Tower though, so it depends on what you fancy. Closest Metro stop: Iena

  • Have lunch at Place des Vosges

the nibbling nomad Place des Vosges Paris FranceWe stopped for lunch at this pretty little square and it’s really lovely. It’s near the Bastille tube stop and not too far from Notre Dame and the Seine, but it’s a little bit away from the busyness of the main attractions so you can get a break from the crowds and cameras. The architecture of the buildings lining the square is beautifully Parisian and it was really nice to sit with a sarnie and take it all in!

  • Get drunk in the Latin Quarter

Paris is notoriously expensive and people will always tell you how much you’ll pay eating and drinking out. But this is not the case if you head to the Latin Quarter! It’s just over the river from the Notre Dame (head for Rue de la Huchette on a map) and the narrow streets are full of bars and restaurants who are all competing for your custom with cheap offers. (We ate at Le Sainsev, read my review.) So if you want a night out, this is a great place to do it without spending an absolute fortune! Closest Metro stop: Cite

  • Check out the view from the Arc de Triomphe

the nibbling nomad Paris view from Arc de TriompheAnother tourist spot, but this archway is seriously impressive so at least take a look! It’s at the top of the street Champs-Elysees too, which is beautiful but well expensive in terms of shopping and eating. You can go up to the top of the Arc and get a great view of Paris – much quicker to queue for this than the Eiffel Towerl! But nowhere near as high. Best Metro stop: George V

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