the nibbling nomad Rome Trattoria Vecchia

Trattoria Vecchia restaurant, Rome

This restaurant was just around the corner from where we were staying next to Termini train station and was one that I’d found by researching cheap but decent eats before we went.

It had great reviews and it really didn’t disappoint! The place has got a real traditional feel about it, with a little deli fridge separate to the kitchen full of Italian meats and cheeses, and it’s packed with locals which is nice. Book ahead because although it’s massive, it’s really popular.

I didn’t make a note of the exact prices of everything but it was dead cheap – we had two courses each and a litre of wine and only paid €50 for the two of us.

And it was delicious! It’s a great place for pasta with so many different options on the menu. I went for the prawn linguine which was topped with herb flavoured cherry tomatoes and it was so so tasty. The only draw back was that the prawns still had their shells and heads on which can get a bit messy, but I don’t really mind that too much and the prawns were so big and fresh that it was totally worth it!

This is a great restaurant to head to if you’re on a budget, love pasta and want to experience a bit of real Roman life! It’s on Via Ferruccio and a 10 min walk from Termini station.

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