Why you should visit Skiathos

Skiathos was the first Greek island I ever visited, and it set the bar pretty high. It is, to date, the most naturally beautiful place I have ever been.

I first visited here when I was five and we kept going to other Greek islands, but always came back to Skiathos – it’s just the best one!

I’ve managed to summarise why you should get yourself here into three reasons – mainly just to limit the size of this article, otherwise I could ramble on for days!

1. The island is very small

So it’s small, very small.  You can get round it in a small boat in about half a day so the whole island has its own community that feels cut off from the rest of the world. It’s tranquil, it’s peaceful, and it puts a smile on your face!

Somehow the Greeks have managed to squeeze a runway on it that literally goes from sea to sea – your first time landing here you will probably (definitely) think you’re landing in the ocean!

But it means you can fly here directly from the UK, and touch down directly in your own little slice of paradise.

Being so small also means you can get around it easily and take it all in.

2. It has the most beautiful waters

The Aegean ocean here is crystal clear – you can see the bottom even in the deep waters. And it’s warm, shallow and, on the south side of the island where the best beaches are, as calm as a millpond.

So it’s not going to be your thing if you’re a surfer. But if lounging around in warm waters without a care in the world or drifting off to sleep on a lilo floating on the ocean is your thing – you will love it!

3. The beaches

Skiathos has loads of gorgeous beaches, with silky white sands and the beautifully clear, turquoise waters. 

You might not think of paradise when you picture Greece – but sitting on the white sand with a pint of beer in your hand and your toes in the warm waters, it really is nothing short of perfection. 

See my post on the best beaches in Skiathos!

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